currentColor is a quite unknown CSS value with good browser support, and i thought i should check it out and see if i could use it for something useful.

It’s supported in all major browsers according to, except Internet Explorer 8 (of course).

Example usage:

.element { color: #e6e6e6; border: 1px solid currentColor; /* #e6e6e6 / } .element a { color: currentColor; / #e6e6e6 / } .second-element { color: currentColor; / Not #e6e6e6 / } .third-element { border-color: #ff88aa; color: currentColor; / Won't work */ }

Both the border and the links inside the element will have the same color as defined on the first line.

For the second element currentColor will go up the dom until it finds another defined color, and if it doesn’t it will take take the browser default color (usually black).

For the third element it won’t work, since currentColor needs a color: #somecolor; before it to work. It won’t work with background-color or border-color.

This also mean that you cannot use it for a sibling element, it has to be a parent or the same element.

What can it be used for?

The only thing i can think of is if you have some objects that should always be in a certain style. For example the comments of your site has been designed to have a orange border and orange links inside it. Then you have defined the color once and styled all elements inside your comment with currentColor.

I think its value is quite small when you probably already are using preprocessors for your CSS and have variables there.

But i like the idea of it and think i would have used it if i hadn’t preprocessors available.